Sample Bequest Language

The following examples provide guidance for including Good Karma Bikes in your estate plans. This information is for general purposes only and does not constitute legal or tax advice. Please consult your legal or financial advisor to determine the best option for your unique situation.

SAMPLE #1 – Gift of Residue Bequest
“I give, devise, and bequeath to Good Karma Bikes, tax identification number 27-1552370, a 501(c)(3) California nonprofit corporation located at 74 Barack Obama, San Jose, CA 95110 [Amount]% or all of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate to be used by its Board of Directors as deemed advisable within its corporation powers.”

SAMPLE #2 – Specific Amount Bequest
“I give, devise, and bequeath to Good Karma Bikes, tax identification number 27-1552370, a 501(c)(3) California nonprofit corporation located at 74 Barack Obama, San Jose, CA 95110, the sum of $[amount] to be used by its Board of Directors as deemed advisable within its corporation powers.”

SAMPLE #3 – Contingent Bequest
“In the event that [name(s) of beneficiary(ies)] shall not survive me, or shall die during the administration of my estate, then I give, devise, and bequeath those beneficiaries’ shares of my estate to Good Karma Bikes, tax identification number 27-1552370, a 501(c)(3) California nonprofit corporation located at 74 Barack Obama, San Jose, CA 95110, to be used by its Board of Directors as deemed advisable within its corporation powers.”

Good Karma Bikes understands that estate plans are non-binding and do not constitute a legal promise of a future gift. All information will be held in confidence, and any changes to your arrangements can be shared by contacting our Development Office. Gifts can also be made anonymously, according to your wishes.